S&D Homes provide a full house renovation service to clients across central Scotland.
House renovations are one of the areas you are most likely to need some expert help with for your home. From making minor upgrades to wholesale changes to the interior of the home, there is a huge range of services we offer in this area and are happy to quote for any project you are considering.
Renovating your home is something a choice and sometimes a necessity. If you have noticed a problem with the home such as a leak that’s causing dampness or cracks in a wall, then these need to be handled as quickly as possible to avoid things getting worse. On the other hand, some projects are to improve the home or to solve problems with the layout or style and aren’t quite as urgent.
Whether your project is an urgent one or simply something you want to consider, we are happy to quote. Having worked on projects of all sizes, styles and properties of all types, we can give you our expertise and experience.
If you want to make changes to your home, have noticed problems or want to have some work done ahead of putting it up for sale, give us a call today to discuss your needs and how we can help. We cover the whole Glasgow area!
Please contact S&D Homes to discuss your requirements.
All the S&D workers involved in the project were very helpful and took the time to explain each stage plus they took the time to clean up at each stag…
Mr Smyth - Glasgow TestimonialsHOW WE WORK
Contact us to discuss your requirements
We’ll responsibly
do an onsite visit
to measure upSTEP 2
We’ll provide
you with
a quoteSTEP 3
We’ll complete
the work to
your specSTEP 4